Connecting Minds, Building the Future Telecom Network:
Unlocking the Potential of Cloud, AI, and Other Cutting Edge Technologies

The global telecommunications landscape is experiencing unprecedented change. The exponential growth of mobile and IoT devices, the ubiquitous adoption of cloud-based services, and the ongoing rollout of 5G and next-generation network technologies are driving the demand for a fundamentally transformed telecom infrastructure. To thrive in this dynamic environment, telecom operators must reimagine their networks to become more agile, scalable, and responsive to evolving customer needs.

Join us for two days of immersive discussions and cutting-edge insights as we explore the latest advances in modernizing and updating the traditional telecommunications network infrastructure.

Key Highlights

  • Evaluate cutting-edge network architectures and technologies: Discover innovative solutions to support increased data traffic, enable faster and more reliable connectivity, and deliver new services and business models.
  • Expand your knowledge: Gain insights from industry experts, thought leaders, and leading-edge practitioners on emerging trends and best practices in network modernization. Connect with industry professionals: Network with fellow attendees, build valuable relationships, and foster collaboration opportunities.

2024 Topics

Cloud Network Integration:

Building a Hybrid Future: Discover the latest trends and best practices for integrating cloud and network technologies to create a more agile and responsive network infrastructure.

AI & Automation:

Unlocking the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Telecom Networks: Explore how AI is being used to optimize network performance, automate network operations, and improve network security.

Autonomous Networks:

The Future of Network Management: Learn about the latest advancements in autonomous networks and how they can help telecom operators achieve self-healing, self-optimizing, and self-protecting networks.

The Future of Wireless Technology:

5G Evolution and 6G on the Horizon: Get the latest updates on 5G advancements and explore the potential of 6G technology to revolutionize the telecommunications industry.

Network Slicing:

Tailoring Networks for Specific Use Cases: Learn how network slicing enables the creation of isolated and customized network segments for different applications, such as IoT, AR/VR, and critical infrastructure.

Edge Computing:

Bringing Intelligence to the Network Edge: Discover the benefits of edge computing for reducing latency and improving the performance of real-time applications.

Security & Cloud Integration:

  • Zero Trust Security:
    Protecting Critical Infrastructure in the Cloud: Explore Zero Trust security principles and their application in securing cloud-based networks and services.
  • Secure Access Service Edge (SASE):
    Converging Network Security for the Cloud Era: Learn about SASE and its potential to simplify and consolidate network security for cloud-based deployments.

Additional Focus Areas:

  • Deterministic Networking (DetNet):
    Ensuring Reliable and Predictable Network Performance
  • Software-Defined Wide Area Networks (SD-WAN):
    Optimizing Network Connectivity and Reducing Costs
  • Lossless Networks, DPUs (Data Processing Units), and Open Source Ecological Sonic:
    Enhancing Network Performance and Scalability

Register today and be part of the conversation shaping the future of the telecom industry!


SDN/NFV/AI Standards and Industry Promotion Committee


InfoEX - World Services Ltd.